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Fear keeps many people in the Rockville Centre area away from regular dental visits, but it’s not always the fear of pain—it’s also the fear of “wasting” time and money when they don’t believe there’s a problem. These patients believe in “crisis treatment” rather than “preventive treatment.” But which of those sounds less painful and expensive?

At Long Island Dental Excellence in Rockville Centre, NY, our patients know that regular visits save them unnecessary pain, expense, and time. Filling a simple cavity is a quick, easy process—unlike the complex procedures required when cavities and tooth neglect turn into dental disease. Just because nothing hurts doesn’t mean that everything is okay with your teeth. Only regular exams with Dr. Michael Rechter can detect problems when they’re still small—or prevent them from occurring at all.

Most dental problems don’t have any symptoms until a problem reaches advanced stages, when they require a big commitment of time and money. A great example is tooth decay, which doesn’t cause pain until it’s advanced enough to get close to the nerve. At that point, a root canal and crown are usually necessary, instead of a small filling. But family dentist Dr. Rechter has the experience to detect a cavity three to four years before it develops symptoms. Now that’s preventive care!

To make an appointment for preventive care at Long Island Dental Excellence, call (516) 766-0122 today.

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Long Island Dental Excellence
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Dr. Michael J. Rechter

Dr. Demetrios Tsiokos - Periodontist

Dr. Jinkyu Im

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Long Island Dental Excellence
100 N. Centre Ave. Suite 402
Rockville Centre, NY 11570
General Info: (516) 766-0122
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